Welcome to Pilates MN
Pilates MN Physical Therapists and Trainers educate our clients to Workout Smarter, restore function and meet their goals for lifelong activity

New Konnectors
All of the Reformers at Pilates MN are adapted with Konnectors, an innovative, single-rope pulley system with loops for all four limbs.

Staff Education
We have over 300,000 hours behind our work. Read about our experienced instructors and their training.

Strength Training
Our new studio has a strength training area where we’ll start offering strength-based classes. Check out the schedule for days & times.

Physical Therapy
Try Pilates with a physical therapist to help you get on your way to pain free exercise. Our therapists can help with knee pain, hip problems, Osteoporosis and more.

Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic and rehabilitative massage decreases pain by calming the muscular and nervous systems. Call or email to schedule a massage with one of our experienced therapists.

We’re Hiring!
Pilates MN is looking for employees that want a team approach to help clients develop their goals for healthy living.
Tour our New Studio
We’re Hiring!
Massage Therapists Wanted
Pilates MN is seeking a massage therapist with experience to provide therapeutic massage services and work with our Physical Therapists to help our clients/patients resolve their issues. Hours are flexible, preferably late morning to afternoon. Top pay for those with experience. Please contact alex.pilatesmn@gmail.com.
Client Check-Off Practice
Practice these exercises to help you move from Principles classes to Reformer 1.
Testimonials & Awards
“11 1/2 years ago, Pilates MN taught me that I could actually love exercise. I started coming here because of my bad back and baby weight and now couldn’t imagine my life without Pilates. Thank you!”
“Team Pilates MN - thank you for being a huge part of my well-being. You have straightened me out in all ways! “
“Thank you for being patient and challenging me at the same time. I am feeling so much more capable! I LOVE how you all are on the same page!”
“In 2019 I committed to 6 Pilates workouts each month and also made several dietary changes. The combination was perfect for me and resulted in a 6 lb. weight loss. I feel great! I think the world of all the instructors. They continue to amaze me with excellent coaching, expertise, and suggestions. I look forward to all of my workouts!”
"Pilates takes away my neck pain,, hip and Sciatic pain. I left to go on vacation and it came back but when I do Pilates it resolves!!"
“I credit Pilates for being a big factor in keeping me healthy and my bone density level in my retirement years.”
“I've had problems with my lower back for years. Pilates MN has allowed me to strengthen my core and reduce trips to the chiropractor. Every class I've taken over the last few years has incorporated new and different elements.”
2019 MindBody Visionary Award

2022 Distinguished Teaching Best Pilates Studio in Plymouth

2023 Best of ‘23 Plymouth Magazine